We have probably all signed up to things before actually thinking about the consequences or whether we are adequately equipped to be in a particular position. Passion and unqualified commitment can override practicalities, then we can often feel out of our depth when faced with the reality of what is required. This is true of many start-ups, community groups or non-profit organisations. But have no fear, as CreativeSpice workshops are here to help. Our good governance training workshop is designed for those with limited or no prior knowledge in governance.
The sessions aim to provide relevant insights into good governance that have a practical and positive impact on board performance. Our workshops are delivered in an informal, relaxed, atmosphere which we believe is conducive to participation and contribution.
We cover:
- Good Governance
- Role of the Boar
- Board responsibilities/accountabilities
- Board Structure
- Board Culture & Dynamics
The client will provide detailed specifications of the work. After understanding your objectives, we’ll provide a detailed proposal, and agree with you the workshop programme content and dates.